2011 Summer Reading

From Just Reads Florida

2011 Summer Literacy Adventure
Take the Summer Reading Pledge
For Parents-Summer Reading Loss
Summer Recommended Reading List-Just Read Florida

The Florida Department of Education has shared a website which makes it possible for parents to download a zipfile with 7 different book titles for students going into grades 3, 4, and 5. Research shows that students who don't read during the summer show a decline in their reading skills when they start the new school year. Even 4 or 5 books read during the summer can prevent your child from "the reading slump." Click this link to access the SummerReads Text Project where you can download different zip files and let your child read from your home computer!

Duval County Public Schools Recommended Summer Reading

K-2 Summer Reading
3-5 Summer Reading

For upcoming 6th graders: Middle School Reading

Read, Read, Read! The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle