Successful Searchers Challenge

Can You Find It?

Challenge # 1 from Mrs. Cloud: Locate the link "PBS Kids Go." Click on it and find the blue television. Put your mouse on the television and click on the orange "Watch more videos" arrow. You will see a new screen. Look on the upper right corner for a blue box with a Search window. Type "Dragonfly TV" in the box and click "Go." Use the arrows in the green box to find "Dragonfly TV: Sea Turtles." Click on the program and watch it. If you were able to follow these directions and find the Sea Turtle video all by yourself, give yourself a pat on the back. Stop by the media center and tell Mrs. Cloud so that your name can be added to the "Successful Searchers" list!

Challenge #2: Successful searchers in Challenge #1 found a video called "Sea Turtles" on the PBS Kids Go website! This search will take you to Africa. You will be going on the "Quest for the Magic Calabash." Read the story and participate in the Treasure Hunt! Be sure to stop by the media center and tell Mrs.Cloud after you finish reading the stories so you can be added to the Successful Searcher list (Challenge #2)

What happened on your birthday?

Challenge #3 Successful searchers from Challenges #1 and #2 will find this new search easy. Go back to our school's website. Look on the left side of the page and click Web Resources.Under the Research heading, you will click on Library of Congress for Kids. On that page you will select America's Library. Look for the clock and the words Jump Back in Time. Do you see the words "How About Your Birthday?" In the drop-down boxes, select the month, then the day you were born. Click Go. Read the entire article and find out what famous event took place on your birthday. Write 1 or 2 sentences about the event and turn the paper in to Mrs. Cloud. Don't forget to put your name on your paper! :-)

Storybook Adventures

Challenge #4: Are you a Successful Searcher? Have you completed Challenges 1, 2, and 3? If you have, your name is up on the media center's wall. Congratulations! This next challenge has you looking to the right of this post in the "Check It Out!" box. Be sure to click on Mrs. Cloud's Class Webpage where you will find links on the left side of the page. Do you see Storybook Adventures link? Click on it.

You will be be given a choice of stories. Click into one of them. Each story will ask you questions. If you answer correctly, you can claim a hidden treasure. HINT: Be sure to click on the red letters "Read the book to discover the answer" so you can find the right answer! Be sure to turn in your name to Mrs. Cloud when you complete this challenge so your name gets posted on the Successful Searcher list!

Aesop's Fables

Challenge #5: Hi, Successful Searchers! Have you read the  hilarious book, The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary, by Candace Fleming?  Each chapter ends with a moral (lesson). Learn how to pronounce "Aesop."

Follow this link to see Aesop's Fables for kids. You will need to read the fables. Be sure to look at the page numbers on the right side of the page to travel to your assigned fables on pages 1, 7, 9, and 10. Write the name of each fable and the moral (found in red letters at the end of each fable.) Don't forget to write your name on your paper, then turn in to Mrs. Cloud. Happy Searching!!!

Trickster Tales
Challenge # 6: Take this challenge to hear stories about different tricksters. You will need to read at least 4 trickster tales, write down the titles of each, and write a short paragraph about each one. Be sure to turn in your paper to Mrs. Cloud or Mrs. DeHart so you can get your name added to the Successful Searcher board in the Media Center!

Terrapin the Turtle Outwits Trickster Rabbit (Native American)
Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby (African American)
Why Anansi Has 8 Thin Legs
Anansi and the Yam Hills
Anansi Tries to Steal All the Wisdom in the World (Africa)
How Coyote Stole Fire (Native American
Ebooks! Ebooks!
Successful Search #7: Look on the right side of the page and click on the link under Ebooks. You will need to enter a login and password (the same one as you enter for the other Reference Databases on our school webpage-If you don't remember, ask Mrs. Cloud.) Once you enter the My Capstone Library website, click on one of the Ebooks and read it from beginning to end. Write down the title of the book you read, add your name and room number, and turn in to Mrs. Cloud. Happy reading!


Read, Read, Read! The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle